Migrate from Auth0

Reduce up to $1,000,000 in costs over 4 years by moving your Auth0 system to a bespoke solution that will be safer and more extensible.

Why us?

Did you start with Auth0 because it was easy to use and integrate?

As you scaled, did your costs go through the roof?

Now, does it cost the same as the yearly salary of your top engineer or more?


I’ve been there, and I can help you.


I moved 500,000 users out of Auth0 without downtime, reducing a $100k yearly bill to a $500 monthly infrastructure cost.

I have 10 years of experience in tech and have worked at leading tech companies.

You can also check my profile on LinkedIn.

What do we offer

What's Included

  • Dedicated authentication service
  • Seamless migration from Auth0
  • 3-month delivery timeline (this will be properly estimated after design phase)
  • 1-month post-delivery support
  • Comprehensive documentation

Estimated pricing

One-time cost: $75,000 ($45,000 upfront, $30,000 after delivery)

Optional extended support: $3,000/month

Technical Details

  • Hosted on AWS with Lambda and API Gateway
  • Infrastructure as code via Serverless framework
  • Service written in TypeScript and NestJS
  • Uses Passport.JS, DynamoDB, JWT tokens, and SSO
  • Admin panel and documentation included
  • Email and SMS verification via Sendgrid and Twilio

Target Customers

Ideal for companies using Auth0 with annual bills exceeding $100,000. 

Perfect for CTOs, VPs of Engineering, and Directors looking to optimize costs and control.

Next Steps

  1. Discovery phase (1 week): We sign an NDA and assess your current Auth0 setup.
  2. Design phase (1 week): Tailor the system to your needs and plan the migration.
  3. Development phase (1 month): Implement the new system.
  4. Deployment phase (1 month): Deploy and ensure a smooth transition.
  5. Support: 1 month of included support post-migration.

Ready to talk?

Let’s book a 30-minute call to see if we’re a good fit for your migration project.